I-voting, or Internet voting, together with identity verification, enable cost-effective and politically compelling ways of organising unofficial referendums, intra-party or cross-party primaries, internal elections, and community decisions on government policies.
I-voting can be mixed with traditional voting with highly secure and tested systems that ensure a single vote cast per person, anonymity of voters, and the integrity of the vote database.
Identity verification can be used to guarantee that only eligible voters, such as voters of a particular municipality, cast their votes, and that they cast at most one vote.
Stateless offers i-voting solutions, encompassing applications, process design, project management, data processing and reporting, and other components.
Different environments require varying levels of identity verification and voting methods, whether through postal votes or preferential voting. Stateless provides a set of existing solutions and best practices with custom development and implementation to adapt the process to the country and the client.
Examples of our features:
1. Anonymity
The Stateless voting system never stores any personal data. Rather, to avoid duplicate votes, irreversible cryptographic hashes of personal IDs are stored. These are always separated from votes, making it impossible to connect votes and voters.
2. Mixed online-offline voting
A special administrative interface enables offline voting points to register voters in the same database, preventing double voting.
3. Custom identity verification
Different projects require different types of voter authentication, from photos of ID cards, through one-time codes in letters, to video chat verification.
4. Easy UX
Voting systems have to cater to a wide range of technical aptitude, which is why we work with UX professionals to design simple, mobile-friendly interfaces.
5. High security
The Stateless voting system is protected by multiple encryption and security solutions to guarantee the integrity of the database. Utilising cutting-edge, scalable cloud technologies allows for seamless scaling to accommodate millions of voters and thousands of concurrent elections, while also offering robust protection against DDoS cyberattacks.
Several mixed online-offline elections in the Central European region.
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