Election Monitoring

A foundational principle of elections is trustworthiness – the public must have confidence that the announced results express the will of the people. In many countries this trust is compromised because of factors such as a lack of transparency, biassed institutions, voter suppression and intimidation, and straight up election fraud.


Parallel Vote Tabulation and Incident Reporting are proven methods for independent verification of electoral processes and results.

When executed correctly, such a system can deter the state apparatus from fraud, and the data can increase public confidence in the results and provide political pressure via the media and both domestic and international connections.

What Stateless Provides

Stateless offers a variety of election monitoring solutions, encompassing applications, process design, statistical projections, project organisation, data processing and reporting, fraud detection, and other components.

Different environments require wildly different solutions and various levels of contingencies depending on the particularities of the country and the hostility of the environment.

Stateless provides a set of existing solutions and best practices with custom development and secure implementation to adapt the process to the country.

Examples of our products and services:

Native Mobile App

Used both for submitting vote counts and for reporting incidents. 


More accessible and familiar evidence submission channels - WhatsApp and other apps.

Call Centre Operations 

To distribute and scale large amounts of calls both for data collection and for in-the-field support.

Evidence Processing

Cleaning incoming data and double verifying information for high confidence results.

3rd Party APIs

Data sharing with other vote monitoring operations.

Aggregated Evidence Browser

Providing live results with supporting evidence.

SMS System

Large-scale SMS communication for outreach and for contingencies.

Fraud Detection

Finding statistical abnormalities and inconsistent data.

Dynamic Statistical Projections

Calculating results and margins of error from partial data.


Balkans, East Africa, South America

Contact Us

Stateless is eager to assist in supporting your causes, please feel free to contact us:


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